Styles de gestion
Risk profiles
ESG Evolvement
Management fees
Pertes maximales
Value at Risk
Performance vs Risks
The option determines the time period used to calculate the performance and risks of the models and funds.
The STD option compares the results from their registration dates on the site.
The BAT option compares the results since the 1st of the current month.
The YTD option compares the results since January 1 of the current year.
The 1M option compares the results over the last 30 days.
The 3M option compares the results for the last quarter.
The 1Y option compares the results over the last year run.
The 3Y option compares the results over the last 3 years run.
Performance vs Risks
Each bubble of this graph represents a model or a fund. Its position simultaneously shows its performance level and its level of risks observed over the chosen period. Its color indicates its target risk profile, color code that you will find in the Selection section.
With this bubble graph you will be able to identify the gaps between the target risk profile, and the risks actually taken over the period.
You can select one or more bubbles to display the corresponding items in the Instruments section.
Risk profiles
The regulation classifies funds according to their target risk profile . Each profile is pegged to a number from 1 to 7. The higher this figure, the higher the risk taken by the fund manager, but with higher earnings expectations. For each profile, a color found in the Comparison section that allows you to analyze the risk taken (volatility observed over a past period) by the selected funds.
If you already know your appetite for risks, click on the profile (s) corresponding to your projects to narrow your search.
Each profile shows two pieces of information: the number of matching funds / models (labeled), and the best net performance achieved (length of the bars). In theory, the best performances are found on the high risk profiles ...
The models have a rating that measures the difference in return between the one offered by the model since its inception and that of a risk-free investment (a term account or an A passbook for example). This difference is then related to the risks taken by the portfolio (the standard deviation of its volatility).
- In the green zone, consider good risk taking taken by the model to obtain its performance.
- In the yellow zone, the model certainly has a better performance than a risk-free investment, but the risks taken to obtain it have been too great
- In the red zone, all models yield less than a risk-free investment. A booklet A would have been more judicious.
The popularity of a model portfolio is measured by the number of its followers. Each follower is a member informed in real time of the new arbitrations made on the portfolios that he follows. The Popularity graph allows you to restrict your selection of portfolios to the most followed or at least followed.
With the mouse or your finger, create a selection window. The more your window is on the right, the more you focus your research on the most followed model portfolios.
The notion of compliance seeks to see whether the risk taking of the fund or model over the period analyzed is in line with the profile of the investor. For this, 3 groups consist of:
The Compliant Group covers all models and instruments with volatility that meet their target risk profile.
The Fairly Conform Group identifies all models and instruments that are not far from their risk profile objective.
Finally, the Non-Compliant group covers all portfolios and instruments well below their profile objective.
Tip : find these 3 colors on the risk profile displayed on each vignette of funds and models. It varies according to the past period analyzed.
Diversification is king when you build your portfolio. You must seek to reduce its risk of loss of capital while keeping a hope of satisfactory performance. To understand the current allocation of this portfolio, and therefore the strategy of its recipient, nothing better than this treemap to navigate 3 hierarchical levels: markets, asset classes, funds. Each cell represents a pocket with a size proportional to its weight in the wallet and a representative color of the instruments.
Click on a cell and go down to the lower level, click on the header to go back to the next level.
Models are grouped by yield rounded to the nearest integer (eg 3.52% and 3.85% are grouped under the 4% mark)
With the mouse or your finger, create a selection window. The more your window is on the right, the more focused you are on high yield portfolios.
Subscription fee
To replicate this model in your portfolio, you will have to pay entry fees higher or lower depending on the nature of the fund, style, size and marketing policy of the asset management company. These fees are reported and aggregated at the level of each model exposed to inform you of the share of capital that will be consumed in fees at the time of subscription.
Last 12 months returns
The purpose of this (waterfall) is to view the evolution of net results of {0} on the last twelve months, and its intermediate values month by month. Each bar displays the result for a given month, its color and length giving the meaning and intensity of results. The total return over the last year is then carried by the final bar.
Niveau de durabilité
Si vous êtes sensible à l'engagement de vos placements, vous serez probablement sensible au niveau de durabilité d'un fonds. Sa valeur est déterminée par Mornaingstar et revue périodiquement en fonction des actifs présents dans le fonds. Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs niveaux afin de vous focalisez sur une stratégie ESG. Les catégories déterminées sur le site sont:
- Niveau élevé (note A)
- Niveau au dessus de la moyenne (note B)
- Niveau dans la moyenne (note C)
- Niveau sous la moyenne (note D)
- Niveau faible (note E)
- Niveau inconnu (note X)
Pour accéder et répliquer un modèle exposé sur la place, vous devrez vous acquitter d'un abonnement avec un engagement minimum d'un an, montant versé à la personne physique ou morale en charge de la gestion du modèle. Les prix des abonnements sont affichés pour une mensualité et exprimés en euros hors taxe.
Les portefeuilles sont affichés en fonction de leur volatilité sur la période choisie, taux arrondi à l'entier le plus proche (ex 3.52% et 3.85% sont regroupés sous la barre des 4%)
Avec la souris ou votre doigt, créer une fenêtre de sélection. Plus votre fenêtre est sur la droite, plus vous concentrez vos recherches sur les portefeuilles à risques élevés.
Perte maximale
Les portefeuilles sont affichés en fonction de leur perte maximale constatée sur la période choisie, taux négatif arrondi à l'entier le plus proche (ex -3.52% et -3.85% sont regroupés sous la barre des -4%)
Avec la souris ou votre doigt, créer une fenêtre de sélection. Plus votre fenêtre est sur la droite, plus vous concentrez vos recherches sur les portefeuilles à faibles pertes passées observées.
Value at Risk
Les portefeuilles sont affichés en fonction de leur VaR 95% 1 jour sur la période choisie, taux négatif arrondi à l'entier le plus proche (ex -3.52% et -3.85% sont regroupés sous la barre des -4%)
Avec la souris ou votre doigt, créer une fenêtre de sélection. Plus votre fenêtre est sur la droite, plus vous concentrez vos recherches sur les portefeuilles présentant les pires pertes attendues sur un jour pour un niveau de confiance de 95%
Styles de gestion
Les portefeuilles référencés sur le site sont regroupés en fonction d'un style gestion:
- Les Lazy sont des portefeuilles qui n'opèrent aucun arbitrage. Ils suivent une stratégie que l'on nomme aussi Buy and Hold.
- Les Profilés sont des portefeuilles rebalancés périodiquement (annuelle en général) pour retrouver leurs pondérations initiales (stratégie constante)
- Les Momentum sont des portefeuilles qui revoient chaque mois, semestre ou année leurs expositions (poids et supports) en fonction des tendances observées sur les marchés. L'observation est programmée en mentionnant la période et le panier d'instruments.
- Les Market timing sont des portefeuilles qui surveillent quotidiennement des signaux de marchés pour déclencher des achats ou des ventes de titres. Ces signaux sont programmés.
- Les Hybrides sont des portefeuilles dont la composition est un mixte de portefeuilles aux styles idenntiques ou différents.
- Les Convictions sont des portefeuilles gérés sans automatisme, sans algorithme. Uniquement selon les convictions de son auteur.
Les modèles présentés sur ce site sont la plupart du temps conçus dans le cadre d'un univers d'investissement donné : contrat d'assurance vie, PEA, PER ...
Sélectionnez le ou les univers qui vous intéressent.
Management fees
This chart helps you to identify funds and portfolios according to their management fees rate expressed here in basis points (60 means an annual rate of 0.60%). Select the range corresponding to your search.
ESG Evolvements
We determine an ESG rating for each portfolio based on the SFDR classification of the funds currently invested. This internal rating is expressed with a rating ranging from AAA (the best which assumes that all funds are classified Article 9) to CCC (the worst which assumes that no fund is classified Article 8 or 9). The median rating is BBB assigned (but not only) to portfolios invested in funds classified Article 8. Between these 3 major ratings there are 4 intermediate ratings to better classify the involvement of a portfolio in the SFDR sense.